1.账号分类Apple开发者账号分三种,个人,公司,还有企业。个人和公司都称为标准账号。 还有一种是教育机构的账号。记录:申请日期2013年4月26,看申请周期多长。个人和公司的就不说了,现在只说企业账号首先是申请企业账号的地址:帮助中心:有啥问题来这看看这个服务是这么写的:iOS developer enterprise programGain access to resources that will help you develop proprietary, in-house iOS apps that you can distribute to employees.帮助开发自主版权,给员工发布内部使用的iOS AppDevelop and Distribute Your In-house iOS Apps2.企业账号三大好处:发布内部AppDistribute In-house AppsDistribute proprietary, in-house iOS apps to your employees. You can also securely host and wirelessly distribute or update in-house apps to employees, keeping them current anywhere, anytime.在各个设备上测试Test on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touchSee how your development application will perform in a real-world environment by installing and testing it directly on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.代码级别的技术支持Receive Code Level Technical SupportRequest support from Apple engineers for code level issues and technical guidance to fastrack your development process. The iOS Developer Enterprise Program includes two Technical Support Incidents per membership year.注册前的准备:Before applying, please ensure the following:你准备发布内部AppYou plan to create and distribute in-house apps.Enroll in the Enterprise Program if you wish to distribute proprietary iOS apps to employees within your company/organization. 你的公司有DUNS 码 Your company/organization has a D-U-N-S® Number.You will be asked for your legal entity name and D-U-N-S Number. Before enrolling, check to see if D&B has assigned you a D-U-N-S Number. If not, please request one. 如果没有DUNS码 到这里申请,免费的哦,别被某些企业欺骗了,还花钱买这个。https://developer.apple.com/ios/enroll/dunsLookupForm.action企业的合法授权You have the legal authority to act on behalf of your company.You must have the legal authority to bind your company/organization to the Apple Developer Program legal agreements.看了上面的三个条件,主要是DUNS码(邓白氏码)比较麻烦。3.申请DUNS码(邓白氏码)申请地址:申请的资料就是按上面的提示如实填写。Legal Entity Name 这就写公司的英文名,什么,你们公司没有英文名,那也简单,把中文名称用google 翻译一下。再翻译基础上改改就行。英文翻译不对的就用拼音代替。反正我是这么写的。手机号要填写对了,人家要打电话来跟你核实的。这些填写的信息最好备份好,以后可能会用到的。填完提交后很快收到邮件。剩下就等着电话核实了。4.电话确认第二天我就接到电话,客服是中国人,说的普通话,态度很好,就是和你核对确认信息,如果没问题很快就能收到邓白氏码了,不过客服会说这个码14个工作日后才能用。电话之后我好像是第二天就收到了邮件收到邓白氏码了。嘿嘿,挺顺利的,剩下就是等14个工作日后去交299刀了。不要提前使用这个码哈,人家苹果公司同步这些数据需要时间的,你提前用了没白搭。5.apple 注册这是注册的步骤,第一步我还没走完呢,再等等邓白氏码可用了再填写。等有下一步了再更新原文链接: |